Current Newport Beach General Plan (2006)

(Click the image for the complete General Plan)

The 2006 Newport Beach General Plan does not reflect the recently updated Housing and Circulation Elements, which are linked below.

Community Engagement and Outreach Summaries

The success of the General Plan Update relies on the involvement of community members, residents, property owners, and other stakeholders in shaping and forming the vision, goals, and policies of the General Plan. The City is committed to conducting a transparent, inclusive, and meaningful planning process that values your input. The following documents summarize the outreach conducted during each phase.

Existing Conditions and Background Analyses Reports

Existing Conditions and Background Analyses are being prepared for the adopted General Plan Vision Statement and Implementation Program, each adopted General Plan element that is being updated, and the topic of Resilience through the lens of specific topics identified by the General Plan Advisory Committee. These reports assess current information and data to serve the following key functions:

  • Establish a baseline of information
  • Understand potential opportunities and issues
  • Guide outreach and engagement
  • Inform future policy development

These reports are developed by the City and its consultants and reviewed by the GPAC prior to being posted on the project website. In combination with outreach and engagement, these reports are foundational documents that are essential for the General Plan Update Process. They provide a baseline to inform the development of goals and policies.