Current Newport Beach General Plan (2006)
(Click the image for the complete General Plan)
The 2006 Newport Beach General Plan does not reflect the recently updated Housing and Circulation Elements, which are linked below.
Recently Updated General Plan Elements
Adopted & Certified 6th Cycle Housing ElementPDF (19.36 MB)
On September 13, 2022, the Newport Beach City Council adopted the 6th Cycle Housing Element for the 2021-2029 planning cycle in response to the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation of 4,845 new housing units for Newport Beach. On October 5, 2022, the City received a letter from HCD certifying the City's Housing Element as being in full compliance with State Housing Element Law.
Adopted Circulation ElementPDF (18.71 MB)
On October 25, 2022, the City Council adopted the Circulation Element Update.
Community Engagement and Outreach Summaries
The success of the General Plan Update relies on the involvement of community members, residents, property owners, and other stakeholders in shaping and forming the vision, goals, and policies of the General Plan. The City is committed to conducting a transparent, inclusive, and meaningful planning process that values your input. The following documents summarize the outreach conducted during each phase.
City of Newport Beach General Plan Update | Phase Two Outreach SummaryPDF (5.22 MB)
This document summarizes phase two outreach conducted for the General Plan Update between October 15, 2024, and January 5, 2025. Phase two outreach focused on sharing the vision statement and guiding values, draft ideas to support each element with the community. Phase two outreach was designed to be varied in depth, impact, and reach to allow community members to participate in the planning process in ways that suit their interest level and availability. Through digital engagement and community workshops, 97 community members were engaged. In addition, 94,108 residents were reached with paid advertisements, social media, and emails.
City of Newport Beach General Plan Update | Phase Two Community Workshops PresentationPDF (4.68 MB)
Phase two included four community workshops designed to share the draft vision statement, draft guiding values, and ideas to support each element. These draft documents were shared with the community during a topic-specific workshop. The community was invited to provide feedback and ideas on the draft materials. The presentation was the same for each workshop, expect for the topic-specific overview. In addition, the Land Use & Harbor, Bay & Beaches workshop had an additional activity, noted in the slide deck.
City of Newport Beach General Plan Update | Phase One Outreach SummaryPDF (4.49 MB)
This document summarizes phase one of outreach conducted for the Newport Beach General Plan Update. Phase one, which ran from March 15 to June 12, 2024, focused on Background Analysis and Visioning. Phase one outreach was designed to be varied in depth, impact, and reach to allow community members to participate in the planning process in ways that suit their interest level and availability. Through pop-up events and digital engagement, 5,987 community members were engaged. In addition, 45,158 residents were reached with notifications and paid advertisements.
Existing Conditions and Background Analyses Reports
Existing Conditions and Background Analyses are being prepared for the adopted General Plan Vision Statement and Implementation Program, each adopted General Plan element that is being updated, and the topic of Resilience through the lens of specific topics identified by the General Plan Advisory Committee. These reports assess current information and data to serve the following key functions:
- Establish a baseline of information
- Understand potential opportunities and issues
- Guide outreach and engagement
- Inform future policy development
These reports are developed by the City and its consultants and reviewed by the GPAC prior to being posted on the project website. In combination with outreach and engagement, these reports are foundational documents that are essential for the General Plan Update Process. They provide a baseline to inform the development of goals and policies.
Click 'See More' to show additional reports.
Technical Diagnostic Memo | City of Newport Beach General Plan UpdatePDF (3.78 MB)
This Technical Diagnostic Memo outlines key pieces of legislation, as they relate to the General Plan Update for the City of Newport Beach (City). The regulations detailed in this report relate to the General Plan either directly or indirectly where they either inform the General Plan Update process, the policies of the updated General Plan, or are informational as it relates to the General Plan and its implementation. In addition to a summary of regulations applicable to environmental justice, an assessment of pertinent environmental justice concerns is included. This analysis also considers key bills are not signed into law but have been recently introduced to the Senate and Assembly.
Implementation Program Analysis | City of Newport Beach General Plan UpdatePDF (1.00 MB)
The adopted Implementation Program is a set of actions that the City of Newport Beach (City) has identified to realize the goals and implement the policies outlined in nine of the ten adopted General Plan elements, whereas the implementation of the Housing Element is built into the Housing Element. This Implementation Program Analysis outlines key tools at the City’s disposal that have been utilized to carry out the actions of the Implementation Program to implement the adopted General Plan, regulations that apply to or are otherwise relevant to General Plan implementation, and opportunities for implementing and monitoring implementation progress for the updated General Plan.
Vision Statement Existing Conditions and Background Analysis | City of Newport Beach General Plan UpdatePDF (388.99 KB)
The Vision Statement forms the foundation from which all decisions in the General Plan Update are made. It identifies priorities where resources should be focused in striving to achieve the Vision where the City continues to be a great place to live, work, visit, and play. It provides a process for developing a consensus around the desired future state of Newport Beach.