The City of Newport Beach General Plan is currently being updated to respond to social, economic, and environmental changes, and to comply with new State laws. Nearly 20 years have passed since the last General Plan was adopted and Newport Beach is presented with many new issues and opportunities. Therefore, the General Plan must be updated to reflect the ever-changing needs and desires of the community. The elements of the General Plan that are being updated are described below.
Click on each block to read the full description.
A Vision Statement describes a shared image of what people want their community to become over the planning period (20-30 years). It is a statement written as an end state for a desired future. The development of a Vision Statement is a foundational step in the planning process, acting as a “guiding light” for the development of goals, policies, and actions for the General Plan Update. The process for developing the Vision Statement builds on data analysis and outreach and engagement to reveal the values, needs, and aspirations of the community.
Two of Newport Beach’s most prominent features, the Newport Harbor and Newport Bay, create a sense of community identity offering recreation and economic opportunity. The Harbor and Bay Element guides development and activities conducted on and near the bay and harbor with the intent to preserve the diversity and charm of existing uses without restricting the rights of the waterfront property owners. The goals and policies of the adopted Harbor and Bay Element balance economic, recreational, and environmental needs, ensuring that the harbor and bay are accessible, safe, and healthy.
Recreational facilities like parks and community centers play an important role in the physical, mental, social, and environmental health of the community. The Recreation Element ensures that beaches, parks, public facilities, recreational programs, and natural areas are safe and enjoyable for everyone. Adopted goals and policies aim to improve and expand recreational opportunities including beautifying parks and public spaces, installing and maintaining amenities, and increasing safety and accessibility.
Newport Beach offers a strong sense of community that is represented in its arts, cultural, and literary offerings and at its events and facilities. The Arts and Cultural Element ensures that Newport Beach is an attractive and supportive environment for artistic expression and cultural activities and events that foster a sense of community.
From its pristine coastline to its lush wetlands and rolling hills, Newport Beach is blessed with a variety of natural resources that support its economy and enrich the lives of residents. The Natural Resources Element balances the use, conservation, and preservation of natural resources and habitats. It aims to promote good air and water quality, sustainable development patterns, and the sustainable use of extractable resources so that they can be used and enjoyed by future generations.
While Newport Beach enjoys many urban conveniences, it also experiences uniquely urban issues including noise pollution. The Noise Element works to minimize the impacts that noise from roadways, construction, airports, and special events have on the community. In doing so, it improves residents’ quality of life and strikes a delicate balance between a lively community and a peaceful one. The Noise Element is currently undergoing a separate but parallel update as part of the Housing Element Implementation Program to support housing production in the focus areas identified by the Housing Element. This General Plan Update will further assess needed policy revisions for the Noise Element.
General Plan Update Timeline